Thursday, June 1, 2017

She was clothed with Strength

Yesterday was two years since my Sister Amparo went to be in her heavenly home. She left all of us here in tears. For years she had suffered with health issues, but no one would of thought she was having any difficulties unless you knew her. When she went in a room she had a way of making people smile, start a conversation and soon you would hear laughter. She had a handful of reasons to have lived a depressed life but yet she would put on her biggest smile and danced like no one was watching. That's just who she was. I cried so much the day I saw her funeral announcement on that website. It was real, she finally went to be with Jesus. So many mixed emotions inside, I felt like screaming and at the same time I knew she was where her soul longed to be. She was finally free, no pain, no meds, no worries, or heart aches. Still it was very painful, and still is cause we miss her. I have so many memories, she would take me to the park and buy me gansitos (Mexican cakes), and spend time with me. I lived with her a few years just cause it was like home to me cause she would spend more time with me than anyone else. If I could say one word to describe her it would be the word STRENGTH, she was always so brave and strong. No wimp in her camp. She would always get up and keep going. Her prayers when she was young and was facing serious health issues then was to see her kids grow up, the youngest one her son Andrew was 17 or 18 if I'm  not mistaken when she passed away. There are things that cant be understood, her leaving is one of them. The one who would do a cartwheel to make you laugh after a rough day when she herself had deep scars was gone. Like  warrior who fought until the end. Her life just inspires so much strength, she endured so much. She didn't crumble. She lived life and made the best out of it. She danced in the rain. I miss you Amparo, I miss your umbrella.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A Mother's day

Many things change when you become a Mother. Life seems to take a whole new direction. A dear friend told me once that my life would change completely. Before being a Mom I thought well some things will  change, and I envisioned my self carrying a beautiful baby, changing diapers, feeding the baby etc.. but the other things didn't really come to my mind like all the emotions I would feel a few months later. A victory over postpartum depression, less sleep, less time for going out with friends, and more.
Motherhood is more than just going to baby depot so the baby looks so cute. More than the joy of knowing that your marriage was fruitful and multiplied. Now you have this being that will need you from day one. As Mothers we are essential helpmates to our family. We can be encouraging or discouraging. We can teach, influence, guide, nurture, nourish, & so much more. These little people grow up fast. They absorb and watch how we handle life.

There is many things I have learned from my Parents. Great things, and some things I have asked God to remove from my heart and mind. Kids watch both Mom and Dad. Most of the time Mom is the one being more of an influence just because of the time spent seems to be greater. Your job is very important. If you are a stay at home Mom with little young ones you might feel forgotten sometimes. You might feel like a maid, taxi, patrol, therapist, cheerleader, counselor, attempt at chef, all rolled in to one, plus add Wife which is another priority.  Don't forget that you are not alone. You are important in this world, the cookies you bake make a difference. That boo boo you kissed has suddenly felt better. That book you read creates tiny smiles and big memories. Take a deep breath and tell the Lord to show you the beautiful task you have been given.

Whether you work or stay at home your influence is the same. You have a generation before you, a generation that can make a difference, one that chooses good, one that cares, and respects. One that loves. Aside from homework, hobbies, and sports, you are raising a generation that prays, knows the life changing word, and is a light in this world. Tell me what an awesome job you have! So a Mother's day isn't just a regular day, every day in a Mother's life is important for her children. Little or big kids, teenage, or adults, a Mom is one of a kind!!! Happy Mothers day!